John Krasinski Presents: An Actually Good Modern Horror Sequel

A thriller that actually thrills. A horror film that is actually scary. A sequel that urges the story forward without trying to one-up its predecessor. And boy, does it flow incredibly well- there’s not a wasted shot, a moment that lingers too long, nor a repetitive story beat anywhere to be found. Can you see where the visual and tonal influences come from? Sure. Alien, The Last Of Us, Lost, The Walking Dead, Jurassic Park, etc., all represented here. Does that in any way undermine the narrative? Nope. If anything it gets you to a familiar emotional setting sooner so you can let any particular scene take you on its unexpected ride. It’s refreshing when a modern horror film can do that. Add to that its originality in story AND the fact that it’s a sequel and you’ve got a new, modern benchmark for scary flicks.

Please keep making movies, John Krasinski. I’m not sure there’s a filmmaker out there today that knows how to keep things as lean and mean as you do. Just so satisfying.

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